
Neil Moorhouse has been a practicing illustrator for over 35 years.  He is classically trained, and combines traditional hand-drawing methods and skills with the latest software technologies and techniques. Neil always starts with a pencil; giving his work a crafted and bespoke finish.

He has worked commercially with many iconic Australian organisations and brands including James Boags, Wolfblass, PTV, Richmond Football Club, and Stone & Wood Brewery.  Neil is and old hand at working to commercial requirements for print methods and digital reproduction; and has strong knowledge to support a project through to print and production management as needed.

The prints and personal works Neil creates often follow his passion for Australasian scenery and wild life; particularly costal scenes and other waterways, and the animals that call them home.  He is currently working on a series of Australian and New Zealand birds, though he is finding that some are easier to spot than others! Just as well his DLSR is always at the ready!